Our Mission, Vision and Core Values
To reach people for Jesus, nurture in the Word, strengthen by loving fellowship, and to release them in their God-given purpose.
Our Vision
A church family that is:
Committed to reaching out to people and sharing the Gospel in the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Passionate for Jesus in worship, prayer and in the study of the Word
Constantly pursuing the presence of God, seriously listening to His words and wholeheartedly following His ways.
Caring, compassionate, gracious, outward-looking, inclusive and seeks to serve one another as well as the community.
Fun-loving, vibrant, down-to-earth and always seeking ways to celebrate life.
Our Core Values
Our mission is accomplished through keeping focus on these core values:
1. Worship as priority
The worship of God is our primary ministry, pursued with biblical zeal and understanding, and offered in reverence with humility and joyfulness.
2. God's Word as authority
The Word of God is our final authority and source of life-guidance, calling us to a faith-filled and obedient lifestyle.
3. Spiritual submission as a pathway to power and unity
Submission to God is our key to the release of powerful life-forces. Submission to Spiritual Leadership is our key to the power in ministry works. Submission to one another is our key to the outflow of God's blessing.
4. Fellowship as ground for growth
The love of God engenders the spirit of openness that encourages growth amongst believers through our willingness to share life experience and accept godly admonition.
5. Prayer as lifeline to fruitfulness
Steadfast prayer and faithful intercession allow us to enter a partnership with God Almighty, and they are means of personal and corporate fruitfulness in life, service, and ministry.
6. Spiritual warfare as weapon of breakthrough
The reality of the invisible realm of spiritual conflict requires steadfast confrontation through prayer and ministry with discernment, knowing the battle is not ours but the Lord's and blessed with the assurance of our ultimate triumph by the completed work of Jesus at Calvary.
7. Stewardship as response to God's faithfulness
To live is to give - in tithes, offerings, and all life's resources. We steward what we have been given of time, gifts and finances, seeing these as being from the faithful hand of God, yet as ours to obediently distribute.
8. Witnessing as outflow of God's love
The love of God compels us to sanctify Him in our hearts, always ready to give a defence to everyone who asks us a reason for the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear.
9. Ministry to the family
The biblically modelled family is God's foundation in both social and governmental unit and is to be nourished, served and preserved as such. Fundamental to this value is the sanctity of marriage, biblical sexuality, and human life.